First things first - grab your transcription! 👇👇👇
This week's video is all about the ruff.
Maybe you've noticed Marcus Gilmore seem to "suspend time" before hitting a big downbeat...
...or seen JD Beck or Rhagav Mahrotra on Instagram doing "flurries" between notes.
There's an idiom that you know even if you don't think you do, and it's part of the DNA of modern drumming. Once you see it, you can't "unsee" it.
But like many things, once you turn on the lights and demystify it, it's not so mysterious anymore, and you can even start to use it in your playing almost immediately.
You've likely already 75% of the muscle memory from things you're already doing.
In today's lesson, I'll show you what ruffs are, the 3 major types of "jazz ruffs" I've identified from players like JD, Marcus, and Maison Guidry, and how to implement them in your playing by grafting them onto what you're already doing.
After all, ruffs are embellishment.
Hope you enjoy this week's lesson.