I have to choose my words carefully, which is why “the plan” is to avoid controversy and lay low for the next several weeks after this.
No more responding to web critiques, no more “running at conventional wisdom”. For a few weeks. And then only when it’s important.
Yet there’s still the issue of this week’s video, which now exists. A bell that can’t be “unrung”. And good thing I stand by every word.
At issue: I’m on the internet taking issue with the canonization of certain drummers while others are excluded. (And if you don’t know I’m talking about, do your own research. I’m not going to “re-cancel” myself.) I’m also out here saying there’s a “high bar” for “legitimate” jazz drumming, and that there’s a difference between good drumming and bad drumming.
But “am I a jerk” is a pretty boring video.
“Are musical school jazz drummers bullies” - more interesting video.
So, if I’m the most-insufferable of music school drummers, I wanted to use my “platform” to dispel a few misunderstandings.
I don’t hate [drummer who will not be named]. Far from it.
I’m not out there looking for examples of bad drumming to police.
And I don’t think abuse is a prerequisite to sounding good on the drums.
But don’t just listen to me - I got in contact with some former classmates and colleagues and asked their opinions as well. To assemble a…focus group…if you will, of music school drummers.
Our message to fledgling jazz hobbyists, in this video.
Hope you enjoy.