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This week’s video is the culmination of about six weeks of experimentation.
The impetus was the recent change I’ve made to my left hand technique. Upon locating a “feeling” for when it’s working well, I was then faced with a challenge: short-term memory being a cruel mistress.
Practice something until you feel quasi-mastery, put it aside until tomorrow, then when you pick it up again you’re “starting from zero”. Not to worry - long term memory will eventually take over, and you’ll be able to do it at 3am in the rain after being roused from a deep slumber. But that takes time, and it takes specific reps.
Which means I needed a way to find my way back to the “feeling of it working”. And arbitrary warmups out of a book weren’t going to cut it. Nope. I needed a new kind of warmup. One in which I let feeling be my guide.
So I set about experimenting to build one. I improvised until I had the feeling I was chasing “captured”, then remembered what I had done.
And what I did is what I’m now showing to you, in this video. The transcriptions will help, but they’re only the tip of the iceberg. I recommend you watch the whole video for the underlying concepts.
And see if you agree. In my humble opinion, for the right player, in the right circumstances, this blows away what I was doing for “warmups” previously.
Hope you enjoy.