If you know this week's podcast guest as "zyck the freak" on instagram or YouTube, you may place him as the instigator behind the latest generation of Berklee shed videos. (Those with "2023" or "2024" in the title.)
If so, you might have clocked him as just another of the groups of elite drummers who go through Berklee's system and dazzle us along the way. But according to Zyck, that's not how it happened. By his own account, Zyck was unprepared for the level of playing he encountered in the first of his "sheds" at Berklee, and had to dig deep to raise his level.
(By the time you see him on video, it's manifest that he's succeeded.)
That's just the first of multiple surprises about Zyck, a drummer unafraid to take a "first principles" approach. Zyck also says he didn't gig at all for the first several years at Berklee; something he now advises young drummers to take seriously.
He's also "self-coached" - if not self-taught, having gone long periods without lessons, and having had to figure out many of his impressive abilities on his own.
But perhaps the most "controversial" of Zyck's take is that that landed him on my radar in the first place: his unapologetic defense of young drummers on the internet.
He's tired of the "old guard" taking pot shots at the way things are now, he says. Things have changed, and to decry it won't change it. (But he gets more descriptive.)
Whatever your opinion, I can guarantee you'll enjoy spending an hour with this thoughtful - and controversial - figure.