To the long list of “don’ts”, which includes never mentioning “the movie” by name…
…I want to add the thing that’s obliquely the subject of this week’s lesson: Never commenting on reaction videos.
Reaction videos are a thing.
Sometimes they’re positive, particularly when the video that’s being “reacted to” has fewer viewers than that of the “reactor”, so it’s getting extra eyeballs. No issues.
And that’s the last thing I’ll say about reaction videos.
Except to say, despite the obvious comparison, it actually wasn’t the recent gold rush or drum reaction videos that inspired today’s lesson.
Almost 2 months ago, the idea hit me when I was listening to Le Havre (not in the lesson).
“There’s so much cool stuff I want to show my peeps, and it’s all stuff that, unfortunately, I can’t put a cool/controversial/click-baity/viral title on.”
“French guy tries to sing - you won’t BELIVE what happens next”
“Guy with beard DESTROYS drums (2 meters at once)”
So I’ll still give you that Oli/Le Havre lesson at some point, because I think they’re the most underrated act in music, but for this week’s lesson, I confined my parameters:
What were 5-10 of my literal favorite moments in music.
It’s a risk, because they don’t even all involve drum licks. (Though all have drums.)
Also, self-conscious about simply reposting other people’s content, I decided to choose songs/drum beats/drum licks I could transcribe and break down.
The result - a lot of work…
…but hopefully this will be a solid “meat and potatoes” episode, with some really juicy drum stuff…
…even if it won’t make me a viral star.
Please enjoy.