Let’s talk about the 500-pound gorilla. I missed a week. I’m sorry. But I’m back, with a great one.
Why am I so confident calling my own lesson “great”? Because it’s not entirely my own. My friend Steve Pruitt joins me for this one, and drops enough value bombs for 3 lessons.
Steve Pruitt is a Drum Expat. A North Texas grad, and former Snarky Puppy regular, Steve moved to Korea a few years ago, and never looked back. If you’re wondering why, just check out his instagram feed. (Food, family, teaching gigs, performing gigs...and did I mention Food?)
I’ve been excited to collaborate with Steve ever since I started following his social media videos.
Steve’s posted his various solos over Youngjoo Song’s tune Yellowbrick Road on his Instagram, and they’re modern-jazz-porn at its best. One particular solo stood out for its cleanness. “It’s like he practiced it in advance.” But of course he didn’t. It’s the solo I hope I’d play in a similar situation. So I learned it.
Anyway, here's the transcription:
As you might have noticed, I’m taking a little break from doing videos of every drummer my audience requests, so I can focus on doing videos with drummers I’m a fan of, who I’m lucky enough to be acquainted with. I promise you this: I’ve got some great ones coming up.
For the comments, who wants to shed? I’ve got a new practice spot where I can 2-drum it. Only requisite? I expect to be shown no mercy;)