Seth, 8020 admissions rep

Sal, 8020 admissions rep

Great job applying!

You’ve just taken an important step to transform your drumming.

You’ll speak to Seth or Sal for 30-40 minutes about the one-on-one coaching program, and if it’s a good fit, they’ll forward your application to me.

Make sure you confirm the calendar event, and please be on time for the call, in a spot with good signal, if you want to be considered for the program.


Here’s what you need to know:

  • We’re looking to fill a only 5 seats for this 2024 enrollment

  • Coaching will include two live group workshops (with me) per week (we hope you can attend at least one most weeks), individualized feedback on your playing (from me), a ten-module curriculum, and a private Slack group with your classmates.

  • You can work at your own pace in this program, and we recommend being able to practice around 5 hours per week most weeks


Speak to you soon!